The human’s brain is divided becoming 2 parts :
1.Conscious Mind ( Left Brain )
Active, thinking, discipline, logic, deductive, rational, it’s the character of male = 12%.
2.Sub-Conscious Mind (Right brain)
Imaginative, Intuitive, Receptive, the most is prediction, feeling, it’s the character of female = 88 %.
“There is no value in the world except the human, and there is no value in the human except the human brain” (Sir William Hamilton).
The Weight of Brain
• Weight 1,3 – 1,5 Kg.
• 100 Milliard Neuron, 1 Neuron can make 20.000 branches.
• Neuron Connection = Dendrite / Tentacle
• Energy flows between neuron = neuron transmitter
• The length of all neuron cells 5X the earth diameter.
• Able to distinguish 10 million colors.
• Able to inflate 100.000 X / day as much as 25.000 liter through 100.000 km pulses (if all connected)
• The brain which often be used will develop, just like sky diving equipment.
• Einstein only activated his dendrite less than 10%
The Einstein’s brain is the same specification with the common human, the weight, the size, but Einsteins brain had much more the dendrite connection.
The main keys for increasing the The Dendrite Connection are :
1. Positive thinking
2. Positive behavior
3. Positive Activities
4. Doing positive activities happily.
5. Always keep the positive things.
It's really difficult to do the positive thinking, but if we try and try at least we will be better the other person who still more negative thinking.
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